What happens to Tom at the end of Huckleberry Finn?
I'm curious to know, can you enlighten me on the fate of Tom Sawyer at the conclusion of Mark Twain's classic novel, "Huckleberry Finn"? Does he ultimately find the happiness and freedom he so desires, or does fate have other plans for him? I'm eager to understand the narrative's resolution for this beloved character.

What happens to PAP at the end of Huckleberry Finn?
Inquiring minds want to know, what becomes of the Prince and the Pauper, or PAP for short, at the conclusion of Mark Twain's classic novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? Do the two protagonists, Huck Finn and the young prince Edward, ultimately part ways, or do their paths intertwine in some unforeseen manner? As readers delve deeper into the tale, the fate of PAP looms large, begging the question: Will they maintain their unlikely friendship, or will circumstances force them apart? Share your thoughts, dear literary enthusiasts, and let's unravel the mystery together!